The Elephants’ Walk

This show tells the story of the friendship between a man and a herd of elephants. When the man dies, the herd, sensing his death, come together and decide to march to his home to pay their last respects: for them, he was not just any man, he was one of them.

The Elephants’ Walk speaks to us of existence, of life and death, and of the journey we will all have to take to learn how to say goodbye to someone we love. It also makes us think about death, which is, of course, a great mystery to us all, both adults and children alike.

available for touring

Upcoming dates

  • 3 August 2024,
    Teatro Sá de Miranda (Viana do Castelo, PT)
  • 28 September 2024,
    Centro Cultural de Macedo de Cavaleiros (PT)
  • 12 October 2024,
    Alpendre Teatro (Terceira, PT)
  • 5 November 2024,
    Teatro Viriato (Viseu, PT) Atomic Occupation, 10th anniversary of Formiga Atómica
  • 3 December 2024,
    Cineteatro da Lousã (PT)

Miguel Fragata
Inês Barahona
English translation
Patrícia Azevedo da Silva

Miguel Fragata
Set and costumes
Maria João Castelo
Fernando Mota
Light design
José Álvaro Correia
Technical direction
Pedro Machado and Nuno Figueira
Support on dramaturgy (psychology)
Madalena Paiva Gomes
Support on dramaturgy (pedagogy)
Elvira Leite
Artistic consultants
Giacomo Scalisi, Catarina Requeijo and Isabel Minhós Martins
Executive production
João Lemos / Meninos Exemplares


Formiga Atómica
Artemrede – Teatros Associados, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Teatro Viriato
Financial support
Governo de Portugal – Ministério da Cultura | Direção-Geral das Artes

Portuguese, French, German and Spanish

50 mins

Target audiences
All audiences 6+
Portuguese version | Fórum Cultural José Manuel Figueiredo, 17th November 2013

French version | Théâtre de la Ville, 26th May 2016

German version | Panoptikum Festival, 7th February 2020

Spanish version | FIT de Cadiz – Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro, 25th October 2020