The show centres around the double meaning of the word “terminal”.
Whereas, on the one hand, it refers to the idea of the end, it also relates to the idea of interface, of connection to something else, to another dimension, to another language. While focusing on the death of a particular vision of humanity found in the devastation of nature everywhere – this shameless celebration of the human being while everything burns – we also travel through the portal of the future to glimpse what might be a new cosmogony emerging in the face of the threat of human extinction.
Four actors and two musicians inhabit this terminal and tell us its story, before the end arrives. All are looking for ways out. As they invent them, they delay the end of the world.
What will we do when the world goes up in flames?
Terminal (The State of the World) is the second show in a diptych on the climate crisis that began in 2021 with The State of the World (When You Wake Up), and was preceded by an extensive research process in the Portuguese territory throughout 2023.