Fake revolves around the real-life character Norma B., a writer of rather mediocre romance novels. Her bibliography includes a curious title: “How to Murder Your Husband”, a novel about the different ways to kill a husband and getting away with it. It was this very novel that earned her a certain notoriety, as a few years after writing it, Norma B. was arrested and accused of killing her own husband – a famous chef.
Norma B. was tried in the court of public opinion, without the opportunity to speak out, as if what she had written were irrefutable proof of her guilt.
The texts she wrote to give voice to her characters, her creatures, were ascribed to their creator, her every move monitored across social media, a close-up of a photo of Norma B. carrying a garbage bag appears, according to her neighbours, to confirm everything. For the world’s press, the author of such a novel could only have very bad intentions.
The truth is obvious, or is it?